A snake puzzle is a sequence of numbers from 1 to 81 filled into a 9x9 grid. Some of the numbers are already present. You need to fill in the rest. Each sequential number must go into an adjacent (not diagonal) cell. You can use the cursor or the arrow keys to go from one cell to another. Type in the number you want to put there, then go to the next. When the final number is entered, and all are correct, the puzzle is solved. If you wish, you can restart the puzzle using [Reset Game]. You can play any puzzle number by filling in the Game box. If you need a hint, [Match] shows you all your wrong numbers. The [New Game] button erases your current game and starts the next numbered game. Hints for better play: When a cell has only 2 adjacent empty cells, the next higher or lower number goes in the direction of the next higher or lower anchor (a number already filled in). When there is only one viable path between two anchors separated by a single gap, the gap may be filled in. No puzzle is ambiguous, so if a single area can be numbered in two different ways, the solution doesn't involve either. When numbering cells from one anchor to the next, be aware how adjacent empty cells might be filled in later. If you separate two anchors that must be connected, that can't be right. If you leave an empty cell with only one empty cell next to it, the only way they can both be filled in is with the head or the tail of the snake. Difficult Puzzles: #240 #291 #348 #351-380 #483 #501-1000 (especially 901-1000). The puzzles are contained in "PUSH" statements incorporated into the snakes.html code. These puzzles are generated off line using the snake.com program (documented elsewhere). Kudos to Seenu Reddi who wrote the java script for the user interface to the puzzles. snakes.html Bug List: --------------------- 1. Initializes to Game 101 when browser initializes snakes.html. Workaround: Type in Game 1 manually (or whatever game you last solved). 2. Poor phone & tablet interface. Workaround: Use a machine with its own keyboard. 3. Snake 704 (Snake 1.0) was found to be ambiguous. 701-705 were deleted and replaced with a new set of snakes 701-1000. The chances that any of the first 1000 puzzles being ambiguous is very small. Snake 2.0 is now under development. It will produce a different sequence of snakes given the same seed numbers, and hopefully the chances of an ambiguous puzzle will drop to zero. Workaround: If your solution doesn't match, check it carefully (it may be correct). Also, please report such a puzzle to me. Below, a log will be kept for the snake parameters used to generate each new sequence of puzzles for the first 1000 snakes. Log of Puzzle updates: 10/21/18 snake 1,0,0,1,100 snake 101,1155,0,101,200 snake 201,31,0,201,210 snake 211,11,0,211,220 snake 221,0,0,221,260 snake 261,547,0,261,280 10/24/18 snake 281,288,0,281,300 10/28/18 snake 301,1066,0,301,320 10/30/18 snake 321,0,0,321,350 11/02/18 snake 351,2240,0,351,380 11/10/18 snake 381,0,0,381,400 snake 401,1155,0,401,450 11/13/18 snake 451,1154,0,451,500 snake 501,1058,0,501,600 11/21/18 snake 601,288,0,601,700 >>g1.js 12/04/18 snake 701 2144 0 701 705 >>g1.js 12/09/18 deleted 701..705 snake 701,192,0,701,800 >>g1.js snake 801,515,0,801,900 >>g1.js snake 901,3584,0,901,1000 >>g1.js